Oil changes are like brushing your teeth. You know you have to do it, but you do not want to. But the more you put it off, the worse the consequences are. As such, it is better to just do it.

And that is what is beautiful about changing your oil: Once you do it, it’s done. It is something you do not want to do, it costs money, it yields no obvious joy, but it is necessary for making your life run. But when do you need to get an oil change anyways?

Since no one seems to give a clear answer, here are three ways to know it is time for an oil change.

            •           It has been 5,000 Miles or More Since Your Last Oil Change

This is the easiest way to tell if you need an oil change. In general, this is the best way to maintain your car since it means that you are keeping track of it without having to get super educated on what the exact inner workings of the car are. Rather than learn all that, just trust in the number.

The reason this is a good idea is that this number is not pulled out of thin air but decided on by the people who built the car. Not everyone trusts the word of the “experts” that car manufacturers tell you to trust but remember: The people who built the car and the people who sold the car are both very different people.

            •           A Burning Smell in Your Car’s Cabin

This sign will probably not escape you, and you will probably be able to surmise that it means trouble. Just what kind of trouble, however, is not always clear. The engines of cars are always exploding, the bodies of cars are always sitting under the heat, and the tires of cars are burning rubber on road. Which smell is which?

This smell will smell like a propane grill has been left on. As with that smell, this smell is also toxic, although you would have to breathe it in for a while for it to pose any danger to you. Get it sorted out by changing your oil quickly and you should be fine. Do not wait for things to get worse than this smell though.

            •           Your Engine is Making Strange Noises

This is another one that you will surely notice but can be unsure of the cause. The noises to be on the look out for here are noises of grinding or straining. In particular, you will hear these noises when slowing down and speeding up. They might be accompanied by a shudder in your steering wheel, but not always.

The reason for this is that this noise is the noise of your engine working against itself to speed up and slow down. Oil allows the components of the engine to glide over each other, but once that oil is dry, those same parts will instead grind against each other.

Getting your oil changed can be a chore, but hopefully, now you have a better time figuring out when it needs to happen. Stay safe, and call Keegan Auto Group if you have any issues.